Checklist of Items To Have In Your Vehicle
- King Co. Frequency List
- Leadership List
- South Puget Sound ARES/RACES Communications Plan
- King County ARES/RACES Communications Plan
- Your Team Name and Address List
- Your Jurisdiction's Training / Operations Manual
- ARRL Repeater Book
- ARRL Orange Book
- State Message Forms
- Your Jurisdiction's Message Forms
- Blank Note Pads
- Mobile Transceivers:
- 144 MHz Preferably removable with cigarette lighter
- 222 MHz Power cables and Mag Mount Antennas,
- 440 MHz Headphones, and Operations Manuals
- HF
- Hand Held Transceivers:
- 144 MHz With extendible antennas and extra batteries
- 222 MHz and AA type battery packs, Speaker Mikes,
- 440 MHz Headphones, and Operations Manuals
- GPS with battery pack
- Scanners, trunking and non trunking types
- Local Maps and Thomas Brothers Tri-County Map Book
- Tools and Electrical Supplies
- 24 Hour Pack and/or
- 48 Hour Pack and/or
- 72 Hour Pack
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