Net Script

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King County ARES/RACES Net

Revised 11 Mar 2018. Send updates to

All stations, this is [your call], my name is [your name]. I will be Net Control for the King County ARES/RACES Net.

This net meets every Sunday night at 2000 hours local time on the SeaTac Repeater Association repeater, 147.08 megahertz with a PL tone of 110.9 hertz. In case of repeater failure we’ll move to the 147.00 machine, with a minus offset and a PL tone of 103.5 hertz.

The purpose of this net is to provide timely information for all of the emergency communications teams within King and the adjacent counties in the Puget Sound area. This information may consist of meeting, training or public service locations and dates.

This is a directed net. Please use your full call sign for recognition by Net Control. Please notify Net Control if you need to be excused prior to conclusion of the net. Visiting stations will be invited to check in after the teams. Stations with emergency or priority traffic may break in at any time.

Are there any mobiles or stations on emergency power?

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Now calling for ARRL Officials for western Washington:

Section Manager:  Monte Simpson AF7PQ

Dist. 6 DEC:  Jim Monson K7JGM

Dist. 6 Assistant DEC:  Kirk Bellar N7UK

Now calling for King County Official Emergency Stations. Let me know if you able to monitor the State Emergency Net Frequency of 3.985 megahertz.

 Dee Williamson – KE7 CFM – North Bend

 Thomas Warren – KD7 CSO - Renton

 Dewayne Sennett – KE7 DXW – Redmond

 Alex Vdolek - WA7 EDZ – Redmond

 Jon Bromberg - W1 JDB - Sammamish

 William North - KG7 LS - Seattle

 Sean Kronberg – NK7 N - Issaquah

 Dick Radford - WA7 NIW – Kirkland

 Richard Burrows – AA7 PR - Kent

 Rick Hodges - KB7 TBF - Seattle

 Tom Needham - WA7 TBP – Carnation

[Insert any announcements here]

This is [your call], Net Control for the King County ARES/RACES Net, now calling for emergency communications team members within King County.

I will start with the following teams, Alpha thru India. Those teams are: American Red Cross, Auburn, Bellevue, Boeing, Coast Guard Auxiliary, Costco, Eastside Fire & Rescue, Federal Way, and Issaquah.

 AJ4 AD Gabe, Costco

 KE7 ARH Don, Bellevue

 KC7 AUW Jerry, Fed Way

 WA7 BCC John, Bellevue

 KF7 BIG Mike, Issaquah

 NS7 C Scott, Auburn EC

 KG7 DWE Henri, Bellevue

 WTØ F Gerard, Issaquah

 K7 GLM Greg, EFR

 KG7 IDS John, EFR

 W7 INK Dick, Auburn

 KG7 JBV Rick, Fed Way

 W1 JDB Jon, EFR

 N7 KLN Ken, CG Aux.

 KF7 MBM Mike, Fed Way

 KE7 MPM Craig, Fed Way

 WU7 N James, Bellevue

 WA7 TBP Tom, EFR

 N7 UK Kirk, Boeing

 KE7 UUU Bob, Fed Way

 KE7 ZMJ Tom, Fed Way

 ______________________

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Now calling for the following teams, Kilo thru Papa. Those teams are: Kent, King Co. ECC, Kirkland, Maple Valley, Medical Services Team, Medina, Mercer Island, Mercury Northwest, North Bend, Northshore, Normandy Park, Port of Seattle, and Puget Sound Energy.

 K7 APB Peyton, Kirkland

 KI7 APY Matthew, Kirkland

 KE7 CFM Dee, North Bend & PSE

 K7 CNS Doug, Medina

 KG7LEA Dave, MST

 KE7 EEL Jason, ECC

 AG7 EN Gene, Kirkland

 N7 HOV Russ, Port of Sea.

 NL7 FQ Tom, Med. Svcs.

 W8 INX Mark, Medina

 KE7 JL Bob, Kirkland

 WA7 KPK Creede, Mercury NW

 KE7 KXU Naraen (nah-rain), Kirkland

 KG7 MX Michael, Mercer I.

 NK7 N Sean, Maple Valley

 N6 NBN Bill, Kirkland

 K7 OTV David, Kent EC

 AF7 PC Frank, Mercer I.

 K7 RFH Rich, Kent EC

 K7 RMZ John, Northshore

 KC7 SAG Scott, Maple Valley

 KF7 SMW Jen, Kirkland

 WA7 SPE Amy, Kirkland

 KB7 TBF Rick, Port of Sea.

 W7 VXS Don, Mercer I.

 KL7 WM Daniel, Kent

 KE7 YJV Paul, Kirkland

 ______________________

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Now calling for the following teams, Romeo thru Zulu. Those teams are: Redmond, Renton, Salvation Army, Sammamish, SeaTac, Seattle, Shoreline, Snoqualmie, Snoqualmie Valley, Tukwila, Woodinville, and Vashon-Maury Island.

 KF7 AAT Joe, Tukwila

 N7 AHE Greg, Redmond

 N9 APP Randy, Redmond

 W7 BLR Bruce, Shoreline

 K7 BOM David, Seattle

 KE7 CFM Dee, Snoqualmie - N. Bend

 KG7 CM John, Vashon I.

 KF7 DTI Mike, Seattle

 K7 DU Greg, Woodinville EC

 K7 GLM Greg, Sammamish EC

 KG7 IDS John, Sammamish

 W1 JDB Jon, Sammamish

 K7 JGM Jim, SeaTac

 N7 KGA Ralph, Salvation Army

 K7 KKR Chadd, Renton

 KD7 KUS Alan, Redmond

 K7 LFP Lee, Shoreline

 K7 MHJ Bob, Snoqualmie

 AF7 MG AJ, Renton

 K7 MHL Mike, Redmond

 K7 OTV David, Renton

 KC7 TDG Don, Renton EC

 W7 TFD Matt, Tukwila

 N7 UK Kirk, Shoreline

 KB7 UUE Brion, Shoreline

 N9 VW Steve, Sammamish

 KD7 WES Kevin, Redmond EC

 N7 WSU Mark, Tukwila

 KE7 YJV Paul, Seattle & Sno. Valley

 KE7 ZMJ Tom, SeaTac

 ______________________

 ______________________

This is [your call], Net Control for the King County ARES/RACES Net, now calling for any emergency communications teams outside of King County. As you check in, please give us your call sign, name, agency represented and whether you have any traffic for the net.

 W7RMH Rick, Snohomish and Skagit

 KE7YJV Paul, Bothell – PHC - LDS

 KG7FOR Michelle, Thurston

 KG7WFG John, Snohomish ARC and ACS

Are there any missed or late check-ins?

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Do we have any visitor stations wishing to check in at this time? Please give your call sign, name and location.

Stations with call suffixes Alpha thru Mike:

 K7JSG Scott, Woodinville

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Stations with call suffixes Alpha thru Zulu:

 KF7VWA John, Shelton

 AE7VG Marlene, Shelton

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Do we have any stations wishing after net contacts?

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Do we have anyone, anywhere with anything for the net?

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Please remember that if you have access to the Internet, you will find a listing of all team leaders, timely information, news items, and links to Amateur Radio websites. The address is

Hearing no further business, I am securing the Net at [current local time]. On behalf of the leadership and members of the King County ARES/RACES, I would like to thank Gary W7WWI and Rich KF7BJI for the use of the SeaTac Repeater Association repeater, and the repeater users for giving us a clear frequency. This is [your call] clear.